United states. The FDA has opened a period of public comments

The FDA has opened a period of public comments about the process of registering/renewal before this body of exporters of food to US to be followed in accordance with the law of Modernization of food security. The deadline to submit comments is up to 25 march 2012.http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/fr-20 13-01-22 /pdf/2013-01157.pdf detection problems at the high number of requests made, despite being EXTENDED AND

The FDA has opened a period of public comments about the process of registering/renewal before this body of exporters of food to US to be followed in accordance with the law of Modernization of food security. The deadline to submit comments is up to 25 march 2012.http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/fr-20 13-01-22 /pdf/2013-01157.pdf detection problems at the high number of requests made, despite being EXTENDED AND