Brazil removes the rates on the export of hides and skins

Brazil removes the rates on the export of hides and skins.

By resolution no. 65 of 12 september CAMEX 2018 the Executive Secretariat of the house of Foreign Trade (CAMEX), published in the DOU of 13 september 2018, it will put an end to the implementation of the export tax on hides and skins that Brazil had been imposed for more than twenty years. Since 2007, the rate for exports of tariff positions 41.01, 41.02, 41.03, 4104.11 and 4104.19 was 9 per cent. This export tax came directly damaging european companies in the sector of footwear and leather goods. Brazil is the third world producer of hides and skins and exports to the european Union make up one third of the total exported, more than eur 200 million by 2017.